Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year New Goals 2013

As I look back on January 2012 I see I made some monthly goals and had planed on doing that every month. oops that didn't happen. I think I meet or almost met all but one of those goals . What where those goals you ask. Here they are.

1. Run
2. spend more time with girls
3. spend more quality time with Jeremy
4. except the things I can not change

OK I could have ran a little more this summer as I think back I should have. Might have helped with all the other things that were going on. Number 4 has been the one I struggle with the most. I still need to get the Serenity Prayer posted some where in my home. 

Now that its a new year. I have started thinking of some new goals. 

1. Take the dogs for a walk at least once a day. As long as it is above 25* and not raining, snowing or really windy. (this one well take a little effort since I well have to take 2 walks. One with each dog. And bundle  up a 3 1/2 year old)

2. Be selfish at least once a week.

3. Make sure to have a Sidney/mom or Sidney/dad time at least once a month.

4. Take Ashlynn to one social activity (outside the house) a week.

5. once a month date night (this one maybe more like every other month)

6. Start a Cleaning Calendar

Doing these things for the ultimate goal of finding a balance to all the things in my life. Waking up excited for life and enjoying every minute of it.

1 comment:

  1. Lofty goals!! May I recommend I used it a lot while the kids were still at home. It really helps to get you organized without pulling your hair out. They send reminders to your email all day. Let me know what you think.



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