Tuesday, May 13, 2014

That's not fair, Life's not fair

That's not fair, A phrase kids use when things don't go their way. When one child gets what the other child doesn't. I think even as adults we tend to say or at least think this. Life just isn't fair. When things come up in my life that make me think this I try to think of the positives of why something didn't happen the way I thought it should. God has plans for all of us sometimes its not our plans.

 I am reminded of this today as I wake up with the sun in my eyes and a cup of coffee in hand. I think wow why can't all days be this nice, Or why can't I be having a morning coffee with my sister or BFF, Or why do I have all this mom stuff to do today, Why can't I be the one to rush off to work and earn money, or why can't I hang out with someone I care about instead of doing the other things I have to do today. Life just isn't fair.

Maybe life isn't fair. Maybe that's the way its suppose to be. living in a world with so many horrible things happening. living in a world run by technology. living in a world where we are always wishing, and thinking life's not fair. I will keep thinking this. I will keep wondering what could be but only because I can and it helps me see the good. The good in all things. The good in the whys, the good in the rainy cold days, the good in goodbyes. the good in missing someone. Because life is not fair…..

Thursday, May 8, 2014

What I learned from Lent

I have never observed Lent before. It was never taught to me. I choose this year to learn and observe. I choose to do this to get closer to God. I gave up chocolate. I did get closer to God. I also learned more self-control. It made me realize I need to take that to the next level and work on self-control in other areas of my life.

My battles with the things of this world will always be there. That is human nature. I will strive to go against the grain and give up worldly things to serve my God.

Summer is almost here. I plan to enjoy every minute of it.

Thats enough of my random thoughts for the day.